Sunday, October 14, 2018

Day 8: **MAKE UP DAY**

Our First Make Up Day!!  

Use today to make up missed reading assignments!

You can always listen to the reading assignments HERE.

To do a quick catch-up, just read the chapter headings of past chapters, then jump in with the regular reading where we are NOW. 
But don't be afraid of reading a bunch all at once! My son read Harry Potter in just a few days because it was "a good book."  So if you're behind, just dive in and read the BOM like it's a good book! Haha. Because it's the BEST book! :)

"Types and Shadows" found in 1 Nephi of the Book of Mormon: 

Elder Bednar speaks of tender mercies, mentioned in 1 Nephi 1:20:

End your study session with prayer and have a wonderful day! Looking forward to beginning the Second Book of Nephi with you tomorrow!


  1. Confession: I love that today is a catch up day. Last night I was really behind in my reading. All the kids were in bed and Jed was at the Stake dance, I listened on my iPod while I cleaned my kitchen from top to bottom. I loved it. I kept going and going. So glad that today I have time to go back and read some of those passages again. Yay for catch up days!
