Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Day 39: Alma 18-20

Welcome to Day 39...
When King Lamoni first heard of Ammon's strength and power in defending his flocks, he was "astonished exceedingly." He figured only the "Great Spirit" could pull off something like that! But he was even "more astonished" when he was told the Great Spirit was in the stable shoveling manure.
Ammon was summoned, only to experience an HOUR of silence, with a freaked-out king. When the Holy Ghost revealed the King's thoughts to Ammon, King Lamoni was in complete awe and expressed: "Yea, I will believe in all thy words." Now there's a golden investigator! Hardly able to contain himself, Ammon began "to speak with much boldness" and laid the gospel out on a silver platter.

Love this description: "Ammon being wise, yet harmless." (Understandable commentary, after all the harm-FULL "wise guys" we've been reading about lately: Amulon, Amalikiah, Nehor, Korihor, Sherem etc.)

King Lamoni believed EVERYTHING and cried unto the Lord for mercy, then fell "to the earth as if he were dead."

Then we're introduced to two fascinating women: the queen (
"To me he doth not stink.") and faithful Abish (with a visionary father).
What a moment when the queen joyfully exclaimed: "O blessed Jesus, who has saved me from an awful hell! O blessed God, have mercy on this people!" She then revived her husband and they began a quest to share the love of God and the true story of their ancestors with all the people.

A "change of heart" and "no more desire to do evil" CAN come about. It's a miracle every time. As you read, enjoy the reminder that our Savior loves us dearly and can redeem us all!

  • Opening Song: "O Divine Redeemer"
  • Video: Ammon Meets King Lamoni's Father
Consider how learning the doctrines of the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement may have helped Lamoni recognize his need for a Savior. Elder Bruce R. McConkie of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught about the importance of the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement:

“These three divine events—the three pillars of eternity—are inseparably woven together into one grand tapestry known as the eternal plan of salvation. We view the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ as the center and core and heart of revealed religion. It brings to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Salvation is in Christ. But had there been no fall, there could have been no atonement. The fall of Adam brought temporal and spiritual death into the world, and it is from these deaths that man and all forms of life are ransomed through the atonement wrought by the Lord Jesus Christ. Adam brought mortality; Christ brought immortality. Salvation comes because of the fall and the atonement. But if the earth and man and all living things had not been created in their physical and paradisiacal state, in a state of deathlessness, there could have been no fall. … Hence salvation was made available in and through and because of the creation of the heavens and the earth and all that in and on them are. Salvation comes because of the creation, the fall, and the atonement; these three are each part of one divine plan” (A New Witness for the Articles of Faith [1985], 81–82).

  • Video: President Henry B. Eyring speaks of loving people and having sincere concern for them (Alma 18:12–23)
  • Alma 20:4 "Now Lamoni said unto Ammon;I know, in the strength of the Lord thou canst do all things."

“At times there appears to be no light at the tunnel's end – no dawn to break the nights' darkness...We feel abandoned, heartbroken, alone. If you find yourself in such a situation, I plead with you to turn to our Heavenly Father in faith. He will lift you and guide you. He will not always take your afflictions from you, but he will comfort and lead you with love through whatever storm you face.” --Thomas S Monson, “Looking Back and Moving Forward,” Ensign, May 2008, 90.
  • Record thoughts and impressions in your journal.
  • Close with prayer and have a fabulous, Spirit-filled day!

Great books:

Love these DVD's!!

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