Monday, November 26, 2018

Day 50: Alma 50-51

Welcome to Day 50...

Moroni fortified city after city, preparing for Lamanite attacks. (I'm sure the fact that Amalickiah was on the loose and had vowed to "drink his blood" was motivational!)

The Nephites prospered exceedingly under Moroni's influence."Behold there never was a happier time among the people of Nephi since the days of Nephi, than in the days of Moroni." (Alma 50:23)

Satan wasn't going to let that continue! He drummed up another evil minion, Morianton! 
Fortunately, Teancum defeated Morianton and helped Moroni wipe out 4,ooo king-men before the Lamanite army of Amalickiah attacked.
(Teancum's ultimate ninja-move depicted.)

Amalickiah's army "met with disappointment, being repulsed by Teancum and his men, for they were great warriors; for every man did exceed the Lamanites in strength and in their skill of war.""Liken" message: Inasmuch as we keep His commandments, we shall prosper in the land.

The captivating war-chapters continue... 
  • Opening Song: "Valiant Faith"
  • Begin Study Session with Prayer
  • Scripture Study: Alma 50-51 (listen)
  • Study Guide: (here)
  • Video: "King Men vs. Free Men"

  • Video: "Teancum and Times for Battle"

"And thus we see how merciful and just are all the dealings of the Lord, to the fulfilling of all his words unto the children of men; yea, we can behold that his words are verified, even at this time, which he spake unto Lehi, saying: Blessed art thou and thy children; and they shall be blessed, inasmuch as they shall keep my commandments they shall prosper in the land. But remember, inasmuch as they will not keep my commandments they shall be cut off from the presence of the Lord." Alma 50:19-20

"And those who were faithful in keeping the commandments of the Lord were delivered at all times,whilst thousands of their wicked brethren have been consigned to bondage, or to perish by the sword, or to dwindle in unbelief, and mingle with the Lamanites." Alma 50:22

President Henry B. Eyring of the First Presidency reminds us of the need for continuous spiritual fortification:
“As the forces around us increase in intensity, whatever spiritual strength was once sufficient will not be enough. And whatever growth in spiritual strength we once thought was possible, greater growth will be made available to us. Both the need for spiritual strength and the opportunity to acquire it will increase at rates which we underestimate at our peril” (“Always,” Ensign, Oct. 1999, 9).
“Sometime in the eternities to come, we will see that our trials were calculated to cause us to turn to our Heavenly Father for strength and support. Any affliction or suffering we are called upon to bear may be directed to give us experience, refinement, and perfection.”--Delbert L. Stapley
  • Record thoughts and impressions in your journal.
  • Close study session with prayer and have a beautiful spirit-filled day!

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