Friday, October 12, 2018

Day 6: 1 Nephi 18-19

Welcome to Day 6...

In today's reading, Lehi and Sariah have almost more than they can bear.

"Because of their grief and much sorrow, and the iniquity of my brethren, they were brought near even to be carried out of this time to meet their God; yea, their grey hairs were about to be brought down to lie low in the dust; yea, even they were near to be cast with sorrow into a watery grave." 1 Nephi 18:18

Laman and Lemuel's wickedness drastically affected the rest of the family,
"...nevertheless, the Lord did suffer it that he might show forth his power." (1 Nephi 18:11)
And boy did he! In the form of angels, electric shocks and epic ocean storms!

What was Nephi's attitude during the trials that came from evil siblings?
"Nevertheless, I did look unto my God, and I did praise him all the day long; and I did not murmur against the Lord because of mine afflictions." (1 Nephi 18:16) Such a beautiful example.

The family eventually reached the promised land despite the setbacks, settled in and were "blessed in abundance."

As we endure challenges, we can follow Nephi's example and CHOOSE to "praise the Lord all the day long" despite our trials. It's an option. As we do, He will eventually lead us to the promised land, where blessings wait in abundance.

Opening Song: "Be Still" by Hillary Weeks

    • Invite the Spirit to your study session with prayer
    • Scripture Study:  1 Nephi 18-19 (listen)
    • Study Guide: (here)

    • Scripture to Mark and Ponder:  1 Nephi 19:23 "...that I might more fully persuade them to believe in the Lord their Redeemer I did read unto them that which was written by the prophet Isaiah; for I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning."

    Video: Discussions on The Book of Mormon 1 Nephi 16-18

    Book of Mormon Stories Video: Crossing the Sea

    Elder L. Whitney Clayton“No matter the burdens we face in life as a consequence of natural conditions, the misconduct of others, or our own mistakes and shortcomings, we are all children of a loving Heavenly Father, who sent us to earth as part of His eternal plan for our growth and progress. Our unique individual experiences can help us prepare to return to Him. The adversity and afflictions that are ours, however difficult to bear, last, from heaven’s perspective, for ‘but a small moment; and then, if [we] endure it well, God shall exalt [us] on high’ [D&C 121:7–8]. We must do everything we can to bear our burdens ‘well’ for however long our ‘small moment’ carrying them lasts. …

    “… I know that as we keep the commandments of God and our covenants, He helps us with our burdens. He strengthens us. When we repent, He forgives us and blesses us with peace of conscience and joy” (“That Your Burdens May Be Light,” 13–14). 
    Elder L. Whitney Clayton

    “Living the gospel does not mean the storms of life will pass us by, but we will be better prepared to face them with serenity and peace. 'Search diligently, pray always, and be believing,' the Lord admonished, 'and all things shall work together for your good, if ye walk uprightly.” Joseph B. Wirthlin

    • Record thoughts and impressions in your journal.
    • Complete session with prayer and have a beautiful, spirit-filled day!


    1. Hi, that's pretty cool. It must take a lot of work preparing these summaries and finding quotes. Keep up the good work and enjoy the Book of Mormon!

      1. Hi Duncan! I do this mostly to keep myself and family plowing through the BOM regularly. Haha. Always glad when others benefit as well. Two birds with one stone. My Facebook group connected to this tends to comment a little more, but it’s fun to hear from someone on the actual blog. Thanks for stopping by! :)
