Thursday, October 11, 2018

Day 5: 1 Nephi 16-17

Welcome to Day 5...

An exciting day with lessons from liahonas and broken bows to brother-zapping and ship building!

Have you noticed that when you are in tune with the Spirit it's much easier to be patient when things go wrong, but when you distance yourself from the Lord you have little tolerance for challenges? In 1 Nephi 16, we read about both kinds of experiences. The Lord uses adversity to teach us important lessons.


Lehi’s little colony finally ended their wilderness journey when the Lord guided them to a fertile place on the seashore, which they named Bountiful. It was not their final destination, but a place to recharge and build a ship that would carry them to the promised land.

Image result for liahona

    Impressive quote from Nephi today: "If God had commanded me to do all things, I could do them." 1 Nephi 17:50. What a great example! We can totally choose to have this kind of faith as well. 

So...what ship is the Lord asking YOU to build today?  Press forward with faith and enjoy today's eventful chapters! :)  
  • Opening Song: "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel"

  • Invite the Spirit to your study session with prayer

  • Video clip: "The Liahona"
  • Today's reading assignment put to pictures:

  • Scripture to Mark and Ponder:  1 Nephi 17:3


1Nephi 17: 50-51 And I said unto them: If God had commanded me to do all things I could do them. If he should command me that I should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth; and if I should say it, it would be done. And now, if the Lord has such great power and has wrought so many miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannot instruct me, that I should build a ship?

Book of Mormon Stories Video: "Building the Ship"


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